Company Registration

    Personal Details

    Please enter your details as they appear on official documentation

    Contact Details

    Current Home Address


    Please upload a proof of ID to speed up the processing of your application.

    Do you have a website

    I am a director of the company

    Do you own 10% or more of the company directly or indirectly?

    Are there additional directors?

    Director 2 First Name

    Director 2 Middle Name

    Director 2 Last Name

    Ownership Structure

    Please provide details of all individuals who, directly or indirectly, own more than 10% of the company. According to regulations to prevent money laundering, we need to understand the ownership structure of the company as well as if there are physical persons that have controlling interest.

    There are no additional people who directly or indirectly own more than 10% of the company or have significant control

    Current Home Address

    Account Usage

    Let us know a bit more about how you plan to use your account. We are obligated to ask these questions to comply with anti-money laundering regulations.

    Paying out of your new account

    Please tell us a bit more about the payments you intend to make out of your account.

    Funding your new account

    Please tell us a bit more about how you intend to fund your account.

    Expected First Transaction Date (Optional)